
Blog Debut!!


This is group D and it's our first blog!

We've been in Missouri for 3 days and we looooovvvveee it here so far.
Let us show you some pictures of the first few days.

This is us at Narita. Before we got on our planes headed to Chicago!!

This is our fellow teammate Takeshi.

He's very handsome.

This is the whole group D. From left, Ponyo (Takeshi), Cool Beauty Leader (Nanami), Cute Girl (Hana), Bunny Girl (Misa), Goat Boy (Fumio), Soccer Crazy (Yuki).

So we're all doing fine! Some of us went shopping, swimming, played card games, played tennis.......and so on and so on.

Today was our first day of class. Takeshi swears to work as hard as he can in class because we only have three weeks. Let's see. lol

So from tomorrow, we're going to our host families' for three days and we're really looking foward to it, so we'll update you on that later!!!

With lots of luv from group D!!!

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